Living without proper sleep is debilitating for anyone, but when you have sleep apnea, it makes it almost impossible to get a good night’s sleep. This article will provide you with sleep apnea advice to help you get a better night’s sleep.
Try playing a wind instrument. Playing the trumpet or a similar musical instrument should help you strengthen your throat and help you control your breathing. Your upper airways should become stronger and remain open throughout the night, which would make the symptoms of sleep apnea disappear or at least reduce them.

Do not take sleeping pills if you suffer from sleep apnea. These pills are not recommended if you suffer from this condition because they relax the muscles of your throat. Skipping them can actually help you get a better night of sleep because your apnea symptoms are not aggravated.
You shouldn’t be smoking if you are afflicted with sleep apnea. Smoking can cause swelling in the airways, exacerbating sleep apnea. To give up smoking, try any cessation program. Nicotine replacements are also good choices. After 30 days of dedication, you should almost be cured from being addicted to smoking. The physical cravings should leave your body after four days, and then you should only need to deal with the simple act of finding replacement things to do.
If you are a trucker who has sleep apnea, take precautions to stay safe on the road. First of all, get yourself properly diagnosed and treated. If your doctor prescribes a CPAP, use it. They are small and easily portable and can run on battery power if necessary. Try to stay fit and get regular sleep to keep your condition under control.
Some people find that learning to play the wind instrument they’ve always been interested in is an effective treatment for their sleep apnea. Playing a Didgeridoo or other wind instrument was shown to reduce the symptoms of sleep apnea in a German study. Taking up an instrument can help you with controlling your airways.
Don’t drink alcohol, especially at night. The reason most people drink alcohol is to relax, but it also causes the muscles that control your airways to relax as well. When you go to sleep with ultra-relaxed airway muscles, it can make your sleep apnea symptoms worse. Do your body and your wallet a favor and cut out the booze.
There have been many advances in the treatment of sleep apnea recently and it is in your best interest to explore all of the various options in treatments. If you were unhappy with previous results from past treatments, you may find a new treatment that will work for you and that you will be comfortable with.
If your sleep apnea is caused by misalignment of your jaw, which results in the narrowing of your airway, you may benefit from visiting a doctor. A doctor can look at the alignment and suggest a night mouth guard that will force your airways to stay open while sleeping by holding your jaw in proper alignment.
One way to reduce problems with sleep apnea is to start playing a wind instrument. These types of instruments will actually train your muscles in your upper airways, which are the muscles needed to control airway dilation while you are sleeping. Not only will you sleep better, you will also have a new skill to show off!
Even though you may not be aware of your sleep apnea, anyone who sleeps with you probably is aware of it. If you feel exhausted or extremely sleepy during the day or find yourself falling asleep behind the wheel, talk to a doctor immediately. A doctor may diagnose you with this condition, even if you believe you don’t have it.
Go to your doctor if you always feel sleepy and irritated. This might be caused by sleep apnea, even though your condition is not bad enough to wake you up in the middle of the night. A mild case of sleep apnea can cause you to sleep very lightly and not feel refreshed in the morning.
If you suffer from sleep apnea, it’s important that you stay away from sleeping pills, cough syrup, or any other medication that may make you drowsy before going to sleep. These medications over-relax the throat muscles during sleep, even causing them to “collapse”, making it hard for enough air to come through.
If you have a sleep apnea diagnosis, it is important to keep in contact with your doctor. You can learn a lot about your condition and treatment by keeping in communication with your doctor. It’s a good idea to stop in for a doctor’s visit after you’ve tried a new treatment for your sleep apnea in order to discuss its effectiveness.
Obstructive sleep apnea can sometimes be brought on by snoring. It is important that you take the time and find a treatment for your snoring symptoms in order to treat sleep apnea. There are snoring devices that can help relieve your snoring and consider that allergies may also contribute to snoring. Deal with your snoring problems if you have them and you may cure your sleep apnea.
Try out all treatment options that are presented to you. Do not make the mistake of assuming that getting away without using treatment for a couple of days will be okay. Follow the prescribed treatment plan set out by your physician in order to increase restful sleep and daytime functioning.
You should let your employer or teachers know about your sleep apnea and give them more details about your symptoms. Feeling tired during the day will probably keep you from focusing and working efficiently: do not let your employer or teachers assume that you are not trying hard enough or staying up late because you are partying.
Not only can sleep deprivation negatively effect your day, but it can even cause serous health problems. Do what you need to do to manage your sleep apnea and get the sleep you need. Life is hard, and being sleep deprived makes it even harder.
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