When someone thinks about snoring, one immediately thinks about the awful noise. However, snoring is much more than just that. Your body may be trying to alert you to something that is not working right. The information below will shed some light on why snoring occurs and how it can be treated.
Smoking can increase snoring because it can increase inflammation of the throat and airways. Smoking causes the tissues in your throat to become irritated, which in turn causes your throat to swell. If you have a swollen throat, this may be a factor of your snoring.

To help you or your loved one stop snoring during sleep, try using nasal strips. Nasal strips can help you open your nasal passages, which will help you breathe easier in your sleep. As a result, many people stop snoring when they use these strips!
Do not consume dairy before going to bed. Dairy products may cause a build up of mucus in your respiratory system and this build up causes snoring. Do not eat ice cream, drink milk or consume any other dairy products before bed and this can help you avoid snoring.
Tape your nose using specialized strips. Snoring is not only a problem in regard to your health, it can impact the health of loved ones. When you are snoring so loudly that those near you can get any sleep, it is a problem for everyone. Consider using un-medicated nasal strips to help control your snoring.
One of the best ways to eliminate snoring during the night is to cut down on your intake of alcohol during the day. Alcohol tends to tighten your airways, which will make it much harder to breathe when you go to bed. Reduce your alcohol consumption and sleep in a peaceful manner.
Ready to stop snoring? There are some throat exercises you can do to keep your throat muscles stronger. One thing you can do is repeat the five vowels out loud, consistently, for three minutes consecutively, several times a day. Building your throat muscles will reduce your instances of snoring.
Stop smoking or, at least, abstain from smoking right before bedtime. Smoking has many health impacts. One of the more annoying is its contribution to snoring. Your airway is irritated by the smoke and can become swollen. This can cause you to snore more than you would without the irritation.
Snoring is often caused by eating dairy products, even when lactose intolerance is not present. Dairy products can increase phlegm production and this excess phlegm can then restrict the airflow through your breathing passages causing you to snore. If you customarily drink warm milk before bedtime, try drinking warm tea instead. Warm to help aid in sounder sleep without the problems associated with warm milk and snoring.
Use multiple pillows to reduce snoring. When your head is elevated, your jaw and tongue move forward, keeping the airway open and less restricted. There are also specially designed pillows which can be positioned under the neck, opening the airway. Simply raising your head is often a good solution to snoring issues.
If you find that you are always sleeping with your mouth open, try keeping your mouth closed throughout the night. This will make it much easier for you to not only take in oxygen, but retain it as well. Sleep with your mouth closed to diminish snoring when you rest at night.
If your snoring stops intermittently during the night, and you wake up gasping for a breath, you should make an appointment to see your doctor. This is because you may have sleep apnea, which is a serious disorder. If someone tells you that this is your sleep pattern, a sleep study may need to be conducted on you to confirm this condition.
Try using a neti pot to control your snoring problems. A neti pot is a natural way of providing your nasal passages with a saline rinse. When you use it you can often provide relief to stuffed up nasal passages, making breathing easier. If you can breathe easier,you will snore less.
Try speking with a doctor about getting fitted with a type of mandibular advancement appliance. You will need to have an appliance like this fitted into your mouth, resting against your teeth. As the name indicates, a mandibular advancement appliance sets your jaw a little forward from it’s regular position, which can help ease the snoring.
People with asthma have an increased chance of snoring regularly at night. If you have asthma, you should consult your doctor to see what you can do about snoring prevention. Whatever you are required to do for your asthma in general is also important, as this keeps you breathing regularly, reducing how often you snore.
Oral devices, dental appliances,and jaw positioning guards are all used like an athlete’s mouth guard. You simply put them in your mouth and sleep with them in place. They open up your airways be reposition your jaw so that throat muscles do not become lax and obstruct your breathing. This will prevent snoring and allow you to breathe easier.
There are some hereditary abnormalities that a person can be born with that increases the likelihood of him or her snoring at night. Also, men have a narrow nasal passageway compared to women, increasing their chances of snoring more than women. Learn what you can do in order to prevent snoring according to your unique situation.
Visiting your dentist may provide you with the solution to your snoring. It is easy for him to make a molded mouth guard for you. This mouth guard, when worn when you sleep, lowers the jaw forward and keeps your tissues from collapsing when you sleep, which causes the snoring.
If you snore, consume an adequate breakfast and lunch. You will be more likely to be satisfied with a light dinner if you do not skip breakfast and lunch. If your stomach is not full of food when you go to bed, you will find it easier to breathe.
Even if snoring is annoying, it could be a sign of a medical issue. A signal like this from the body should not be ignored. Remember what you have read here to reduce your snoring and sleep better.
Read more: Lessen Your Snoring With Tips That Work Well