Reverse Insulin Resistance & Stop Plaquing in Arteries

Welcome. Why is it that so many millions of people throughout the entire world are suffering with cardiovascular issues, clogging of the arteries has resulted result of diabetes, obesity, or even other conditions.

Reverse Insulin Resistance & Stop Plaquing in Arteries
Reverse Insulin Resistance & Stop Plaquing in Arteries

But the bottom line is there’s one thing that we found in common with these people is that they have low magnesium levels. The magnesium is a mineral that’s involved in over 300 different metabolic functions in our body.

But when it comes to our heart, this is one mineral we do not want to neglect. But what most people don’t realize, and it’s such an important thing to consider, particularly when it comes to insulin resistance, is that it’s not only too much sugar, but it’s also potentially less magnesium.

And medical studies continue to show that being insulin resistant will eventually lead to diabetes. And it’s also proven that if you are a diabetic, just increasing 100 milligrams of magnesium in your diet, either through food or supplementation, can make a tremendous difference when it comes to your health and to help your heart and your organs.

Magnesium can help. Lower blood pressure and low magnesium levels is linked to chronic inflammation, which is one of the drivers of aging, obesity, and chronic diseases. And because magnesium is directly linked into carbohydrate metabolism, this can affect the metabolism of the liver, causing an elevation of the LDLs, the low density liver proteins, as well as triglycerides.

Those fats can then start going into the arterial walls as well as the coronary arteries of the heart, as it will continue to lay more fat and plaque in those arteries, which is shunting off the blood supply to the heart, which we call a heart attack, or to the brain that we call a stroke. And I want to mention this medical study published in BMC Medicine.

Serum magnesium levels and the risk of coronary artery disease. And it shows that magnesium improves endothelial function, reduces blood pressure, arterial stiffness, fasting glucose, insulin resistance and postoperative arrhythmias. And there are millions and millions of people worldwide right now who are insulin resistant that don’t even know it.

And guess what? It can come from their obesity, their poor diet. But the bottom line is they have excessive glucose floating around in the blood. Higher amounts that glucose gets converted to fat. That fat gets put into the arteries as plaque, as excessive cholesterol.

And this is a serious problem. And you can get your magnesium from many different foods such as dark leafy vegetables, such as spinach and kale, different seeds like pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds and flaxseeds, sweet potatoes, almonds and cashews, whole grains, lentils and beans, as well as many other foods. But here is the problem.

That magnesium that may look healthy in that vegetable really may not be there. If the soil was depleted, and if you’re taking medication or even diuretics or even under more stress, your body potentially can be excreting that magnesium.

You should be taking a total minimally of 320 milligrams of magnesium for females, 420 milligrams of magnesium for males. Sometimes more. And you may just be surprised that whatever ailment or condition that you’re suffering from, you potentially can see amazing changes.

And you’re probably asking, what is the best magnesium to take? I like magnesium citrates and magnesium glycinates because they assimilate much easier than many other magnesiums. So you can keep your cardiovascular system healthy so you can live a long and healthy life.

Please share this video with your friends and family. Leave your comments below. And most important, make it a great day. I’m Dr. Allen Mandel.

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