Use These Tips To Make Eczema A Past Memory
There have probably been times you have looked at yourself in the mirror and been happy with your skin. But then you learned that you have eczema, and you quickly became frustrated by the irritation and redness it causes you. If this sounds like you, continue reading to learn what you can do about it.

When you have eczema, you should take caution to clean the skin gently. Once you have washed your skin, and it is still moist, apply a good moisturizer to the skin within three minutes to ensure the moisture is sealed into the skin. You may even want to soak in a nice oatmeal bath as well before you moisturize.
Pay attention to your hands. Because you wash them throughout the day, they can get very dry and are prone to more eczema. If you are engaged in an activity that involves water, like washing the dishes, wear rubber gloves. This will help protect your skin from the water throughout the day.
Lotions and creams do not usually work as well as ointments. Ointments have a bit more oil in them, which generally helps them moisturize more effectively. They are a little harder to apply than creams, however, but they are much better at adding a protective layer to the skin and easing your symptoms.
Know what your triggers are so you can avoid them. Your triggers may laundry detergent, soaps, and dust. You should probably steer clear of any products that contain fragrances, chemicals or other unnatural additives. Choose pure and unscented products instead. This will help to reduce the discomfort of daily eczema flare-ups.
Control your indoor temperature. Eczema tends to flare up during shifts in temps or humidity. Use your air conditioner to stay cool in the warmer months. A humidifier can help you keep your skin from drying out during colder weather. Staying comfortable temp wise will help reduce the frequency of flare ups.
To reduce eczema flare-ups, there are some basic bathing rules you can follow. Use room temperature water in your tub or shower. Hot water can cause eczema flare-ups. Don’t scrub your skin. Use a gentle soap alternative instead of soap itself. Pat your skin dry, and liberally apply moisturizer when you are done bathing.
Eczema causes skin to become dry and itchy. Moisturizers can help with both of these. Moisturizers don’t hydrate your skin. In fact, they just lock in your own moisture. When used, moisturizers will help prevent dry, cracked skin.
Be wary of changes in temperature. A dramatic change in temperature can cause your eczema to flare up. Try to keep your home a temperature that will not aggravate your skin. Be sure to use air conditioning when it is particularly hot out. When it is cold, use a humidifier to keep your skin from drying out.
Moisturize your skin immediately after taking a bath. Applying lotion to your skin soon after your bath helps to lock in the moisture and prevents your skin from drying too much. For the best results, use a intensive moisturizer that does not have added perfumes or dyes, which can dry your skin more.
During the summer months, beware of which sunscreens you use if you have eczema. Every eczema sufferer has certain triggers, but sunscreen lotions are a common one. If you try multiple sunscreens and every one of them seem to cause a flare-up, you may want to chat with your doctor about a prescription alternative.
You may think that keeping your house tightly sealed with help keep the dust and allergens down. But in fact it just traps them and allows them to accumulate. It is better to have ventilation in your house and to use a good heap filter where needed to capture the offending particles.
Try keeping a food diary. Different foods can cause your eczema to flare up. If you are having trouble determining what to eliminate from your diet, try keeping a record of everything you eat. Look for trends and correlations between your skin irritation and the food you have been eating.
Taking care of your mattress is important too. Your mattress will accumulate dead skin cells, dust, dust mites and other irritating particles. This is why you need to vacuum your mattress on a regular basis to keep those irritants to a minimum. After all, one third of your life is spent in your bed so it need to be a safe zone.
When you bathe or shower, be sure to avoid extremes. Water that is too hot or too cold will irritate your skin. Hot water tends to leach all the moisture out of skin and may make your symptoms worse. Set the heat of your water at a comfortable, soothing level to avoid drying out your skin.
Avoid bothersome tags or seams in clothes. These can irritate and scratch the skin, which causes eczema to flare-up worse. Cut all tags out of your clothes, or buy clothes that don’t have any tags to begin with. Also, try to eliminate seams that are worn. If the seams of undergarments are uncomfortable, you could always turn them inside out.
Choose a body wash or mild soap that’s not heavily scented. Many times, it is the chemicals that make the fragrance that are most irritating. Therefore, you need to select hypoallergenic items or products formulated for babies.
Stay away from tight clothing. Your skin needs to breathe and restrictive clothing can inhibit this. You will also face aggravation as your clothing constantly rubs the skin. You will suffer more itching and dryness, unless you stick to clothing fibers that are natural, such as cotton. This will make your day a bit easier to get through.
Any time that you take the time to learn about a topic, you can start working on a solution to bring a sense of balance back to your life. Eczema is no different. And the information that has been provided here will help you get back the skin that makes you happiest.
read more: Understanding The Treatment Of Eczema – Tips That Can Help You Find Relief!