1 Chinese Herb Opens Clogged Arteries to Heart

Cardiovascular disease is the number one killer worldwide from poor diet, obesity, diabetes, hypertension. This can cause clacking plaquing within the arteries of your heart muscle like every other organ or tissue in your body. Body needs oxygen rich blood to survive as the blood is supplied by the heart by its own vascular system called the coronary circulation.

And the main blood supplier to the body is called the aorta. And this branches off into two main coronary blood vessels and the coronary arteries then branch off into the smaller arteries that supply oxygenrich blood to the entire heart muscle.

1 Chinese Herb Opens Clogged Arteries to Heart
1 Chinese Herb Opens Clogged Arteries to Heart

And the most common clogged coronary artery that develops this extra plaque is called the Lad, the left anterior descending artery. And that plaque is made up of minerals like calcium, fats, cholesterol and the LDL. Cholesterol is known to build plaque in the inner lining of those arterial walls.

And this continued inflammation alarms the body and white blood cells start going in and attacking, causing more inflammation and plaquing in those walls. There’s no doubt that excessive sugars cause excessive fat that causes excessive insulin. When insulin levels rise, the fat storages are going to town. And a lot of that fat is being stored as visceral fat.

And that’s the dangerous fat that surrounds your organs. And there’s one special herb. It’s a native to China, and it’s been around thousands of years and used in Chinese healing medicine. It’s called ginkgo biloba.

And ginkgo has powerful antioxidants as it combats and neutralize the damaging effects of free radicals. And it has powerful antiinflammatory effects as well as allowing the vessels, his coronary arteries to vasal dilate to the production of nitric oxide in the endothelial lining of those arteries.

And most of us think of ginkgobaloba as helping the brain. And it does. It can help dementia as well as other neurogenic diseases, but it causes us vasodilation more blood supply to the brain, as this causes vasodilation from nitric oxide throughout our body peripheral arteries, the arms, the legs intermittent caudication when the arteries start to close down.

Ginkgobaloba can be a lifesaver. And ginkgobaloba has been known to help conditions related to the eyes, as well as other problems that cause tinnitus ringing in the ears. High pitched sounds as well. As lowering blood pressure.

Remember, as vessels dilate, it puts less stress on the heart blood supply comes in with less resistance as your body can lowers blood pressure, keeping you healthier. And Gingobulba has also been known to help. Boost libido in men as well as women.

And in a PubMed study, gingkobaloba extract improves coronary artery circulation in patients with coronary artery disease. And the study shows that patients with coronary artery disease, coronary blood flow, the arteries that are impaired not allowing blood to get to the heart due to the imbalanced vasalactive substance such as nitric oxide.

And it showed that those that supplemented studies showed a clear distinction, confirming a significant change in the lad blood flow to the heart muscle to keep it strong and healthy. And those powerful antioxidants and gigobaloba helps prevent and fight against that sticky plaque to prevent that plaquing from sticking in the endothelial walls of those blood vessels.

According to WebMD, the adult dosing is 60 to 240 milligrams, up to six months. Again, in all types of herbs, it’s always good to take a break. I do recommend you always talk to your primary doctor first, particularly those who are taking medications. So here’s the bottom line excessive sugar, refined foods, no good. If you have high glycemic index food you’re eating, no good.

It needs to be low glycemic with the fiber. Whole fruits, whole vegetables, whole grains. Start eating healthy. Get a little exercise, sleep a little bit more if you have to. Keep the stress levels down, because high Cortisol levels will increase more sugar within your body, causing more stress on your system.

And I hope this message can continue to be spread throughout the world so we can stay healthy together. Please share this video with your friends and family. Leave your comments below. And most important, make it a great day. I’m Dr. Alan Mandel.

Read more: How to Heal Your Own Body

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