Eye See You! Helpful Eye Care Tips
Caring for your eyes is a hugely important task. Sadly, most people have no idea what it takes to keep their eyes in tip top shape. The tips and tricks found below will assist you in making sure your eyes are working for you instead of against you over time.

You should wear sunglasses as often as possible. Sunglasses are more than just a fashion statement, they’re a source of much-needed protection from the sun. Sunglasses block Ultra-Violet radiation, which can cause serious and long-term damage to the eye. Sunglasses can even prevent wrinkles and cancer from forming around the eye!
As if smokers didn’t need yet another health related reason to quit, this habit also threatens eyes. Since smoking deprives every cell in your body of oxygen, something eyes need every minute, smokers run the risk of damaging their vision with each puff of a cigarette. Protect your eyes by quitting smoking as soon as you can.
If you are in the market for a new pair of glasses, you can often find cheap yet stylish frames online. Some places even offer a pair free or discounted if you are a new customer. All you need is your vision acuity number that you receive from having an eye test performed.
Always wash your hands before you touch your eyes. Your fingers are covered with bacteria because your hands touch surfaces that other people have touched. If you touch your eyes without washing your hands, you will transfer bacteria to your eyes and cause irritation or even an infection. Therefore, before touching your eyes, wash your hands with soap and water.
Keep your eyes protected when dealing with hazardous situations. In certain types of unclean or hazardous environments, you should keep your eyes protected by wearing safety goggles. These also include certain sports. Activities like lacrosse, ice hockey, or racquetball can cause eye injuries, which is why you should wear helmets that have built-in face masks or sports goggles.
If you wear contact lenses, avoid wearing them while you sleep or for more than 19 hours. Unless you are wearing special lenses that are made for wearing overnight, your contact can deprive your eyes of oxygen and lead to extreme discomfort and possibly serious permanent damage to your sight.
Go to the eye doctor on a regular basis to check for any inconsistencies that may disrupt your vision and impact the quality of your sight. If you have any problems, this doctor can give you contacts or glasses you so that you are not squinting during the day, which can cause painful migraine headaches.
Staring at a computer can cause a lot of strain on your eyes, which can lead to a number of issues, such as migraines, dry eyes, and difficulty seeing. This is why you need to take proper precautions when you know you are going to be on the computer for awhile. Be sure your computer is at a position in which your eyes are on the same level as the monitor and if possible, wear glasses.
Make sure to consume copious amounts of Vitamin A during the course of the day. Vitamin A is great for helping to reduce the inflammation and irritation that you may feel, which can cause dryness. Foods that have high sources of this vitamin include carrots, chicken, potatoes, spinach and sweet potatoes.
Going to your eye exams is essential. The older you get, the more you should go. As you age, the likelihood of you having eye issues such as cataracts or even glaucoma are increased. Closely monitoring your eyes will alert you to any issues early.
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Know your history. If your parents or grandparents had trouble with their eyes, chances are you will too. Make an effort to get checkups at the eye doctor more often, to ensure that no problems have developed. And, if you are diagnosed with anything, make sure your family members know about it.
Quit smoking to help better your eye’s long-term health. You are more likely to develop cataracts, optic nerve damage and macular degeneration when you are a smoker. It may be hard to quit smoking, but it’s worth it in the long run. The more often you try to stop smoking, the better your chances of success.
If you want to maintain your eyes healthy and you are a smoker, quit smoking. Smokers are more prone to getting optic nerve damage, macular degeneration and cataracts. If you have attempted to quit smoking before and have failed, keep trying. If you need extra motivation, think about the damage smoking can do to your eyes.
Learn to do some exercises for your eyes. Your eyes are controlled by muscles. Just the muscles in the rest of your body, they should be exercised to make them stronger. Alternating your focus between near and far objects for several times at once is a good way to work your eye muscles.
Maintain your eyes healthy by eating lots of fruits and vegetables. Carrots, which contain beta carotene are particular helpful in keeping your eyes healthy. The reason being that beta carotene is an antioxidant which decreases the risk of getting macular degeneration. Bell peppers, brussel sprouts and broccoli are also good since they have lots of vitamin C.
Get a dilated eye exam regularly. When your eyes are dilated, your eye doctor can see inside your eye and detect any problems with the tissues behind your eyes. Common eye problems like glaucoma often produce no signs of warning until a person’s vision is impaired. A dilated eye exam can detect that early.
If you wear contact lenses, avoid wearing them for longer than 19 hours. Make sure you don’t sleep with your contact lenses. Your eyes need constant oxygen supply and contacts block oxygen flow to your eyes. Doing this can permanently damage your sight and create great discomfort for your eyes.
When you use these tips, you will find that your eyes are healthy and see clearly. Be sure to take great care of your eyes so that they continue to work well long into your golden years. What you’ve learned today will last a lifetime, so be sure to keep using this information long into the future.
Read more: Excellent Article About Eye Care That Is Simple To Follow Along