Great Advice If You Are Troubled By Hemorrhoids
You have a bad case of hemorrhoids and need to know how to cure them quickly. It is never easy to deal with them, and you want results fast. Use the tips and tricks available in this article, and you should find yourself back in shape soon enough.
If you are looking for quick relief of a hemorrhoid flare up, you should check out some of the over-the-counter products available for just that purpose. There are creams, suppositories, gels and pads that contain medicines that numb the area. Other medicines such as Tylenol and Advil can help to reduce the pain as well.

Understanding hemorrhoids will help you be less concerned about them and learn how to treat them. If you or a person in your care is affected by this uncomfortable affliction, researching the condition is beneficial. The gist of it is that some nerve endings become swollen, which makes them painful to deal with.
Although or perhaps especially because this problem can be a bit uncomfortable for many people to talk about it is essential that you know what is going on and feel comfortable talking to a medical professional. Remember that they have seen much stranger problems many times throughout their life and career.
When it comes to treating hemorrhoids, witch hazel is a very effective herbal medication. Even though most people opt to take a sitz bath with witch hazel added to the water, you can also use a frozen form of witch hazel to soothe and heal your hemorrhoids. Simply freeze witch hazel into small frozen cubes in an ice tray. Wrap these frozen cubes with a cloth and apply against the hemorrhoids for 10 to 15 minutes each hour. This will cause the pain and swelling of your hemorrhoids to decrease.
Stop irritating your hemorrhoids with spicy foods. These spices can cause undo inflammation in your hemorrhoids as they come in contact with your stool. Spices are typically digested and pass as waste. Consider cutting back on carbonated beverages, including beer, as these can also contribute to irritation of the hemorrhoids.
Avoid straining when you are using the bathroom. If you are pushing really hard to complete your mission, it is best to just stop and go for a walk until you feel the urge again. Straining will cause hemorrhoids to form, and you will be very uncomfortable for a long time.
In order to reduce the pain and suffering of your hemorrhoid problem, you need to stop eating spicy foods. The capsaicin oil in hot peppers does not digest fully after traveling through your body. So what is hot going in, is just as hot coming out, and oftentimes worse because it will cover your hemorrhoids on exiting your body.
The best way to avoid the pain of hemorrhoids is to keep the anus and the area surrounding the anus meticulously clean. This will help keep the hemorrhoids from becoming infected and ease any pain. If the hemorrhoids have a bacterial infection, this can lead to an abscess in the area which is very unhealthy and painful.
Apply an ice pack whenever you need it. Ice packs can reduce swelling and pain, and prevent irritation and inflammation. Make sure you do not overdo it though, because you may end up causing even more irritation if you cause frostbite to your hemorrhoids or surrounding rectal areas. Try to stay at less than four times a day.
If you are experiencing pain and inflammation from your hemorrhoids, try to soak in a warm tub. Fill your tub with enough warm water to cover the area and lay back with your knees raised. The warm water will increase the blood flow to the anus and reduce the swelling. Do this a few times a day to help reduce the swelling.
If you are going to touch your hemorrhoid for whatever reason, be sure that you do so with clean hands. By touching a hemorrhoid with dirty hands and fingers, you are increasing the chances of transferring germs and bacteria to the hemorrhoid, which could cause irritation and even an infection.
Hot cayenne pepper is a great tool for preventing hemorrhoid. Many times, hemorrhoids form because the body is not getting enough circulation. Hot cayenne pepper helps circulate blood throughout your whole body, even to the anal area. Horse chestnut and butcher’s broom are natural ingredients that have the same purpose.
Avoid using dry tissue paper. Instead, try a soothing wet wipe or at least dampen the paper with water first. Scraping dry paper across the surface of a hemorrhoid can lead to bleeding. It will also hurt less to wipe with a moist cloth than with a piece of dry paper.
When it comes to the many tips you’ll read in your lifetime, you’ll find that a lot of them have to do with water in some form or another, and it’s no different with this hemorrhoid tip. If you want to help out your hemorrhoid, drink a lot of water to keep your digestive tract lubricated and your stools moving along nicely.
The first time you spot blood in your stool, you should never assume that this is from a hemorrhoid. Be sure that you visit a doctor to find out what’s behind the blood in your stool. If it’s bright red, then it’s probably not internal bleeding, but you should never attempt to self-diagnose.
A great tip for your painful hemorrhoids is to make sure that no matter what condition you are in, do not strain when going to the bathroom. Let it happen naturally and never try to force yourself because if you do you are certain to cause a hemorrhoid or hurt an existing one.
In conclusion, you do not have much time to spare because you are in great pain and need to get rid of your hemorrhoids quickly. This article should have provided everything that you need in order to make good decisions on how to treat yourself and be pain free.
Read more: Win The Battle Against Your Hemorrhoids With These Tips