How To Survive A Heart Attack Alone
Cardiovascular episodes is number one on the list worldwide, and most of it is from poor diet, being obese, as well as other conditions like diabetes or even some genetics. And what I’d like to educate you in this video is to give you a better understanding that if a heart attack ever happened to you in you are by yourself, what can you do so you can survive it?

When there’s a buildup of cholesterol, fat, and other substances that we call plaque that occurs within the coronary arteries of the heart, it restricts the blood flow and oxygen cannot make its way to the heart cells, and the heart starts to die slowly.
And the number one important thing that you need to understand is how to recognize these symptoms in case it ever happens to you so you can save your own life. The most common symptoms of a heart attack is chest discomfort, heaviness, tightness, pressure. You may even have some aching, burning, or even numbness or fullness.
You may have that squeezing feeling, as if an elephant sitting on your chest. Pain can also radiate into the arms, the back, the neck, the jaw. You may experience some difficulty breathing or you feel like you’re out of breath.
You can feel this cold sweating coming out of nowhere. You can also feel a sense of fullness or even indigestion, lightheadedness, dizziness, or even a feeling like you’re going to faint and having nausea or vomiting out of the blue, as well as a lot of tiredness, just fatigue out of nowhere. You can also have this rapid fluttering in your chest, arrhythmias where you’re getting irregular heartbeats.
And if you have any type of cardiovascular history, diabetes, obesity, high blood pressure, these can predispose you or anyone to have a heart attack. And the most important thing to do when you suspect a heart attack is to call emergency services.
Always call 911 before you attempt to contact anyone else. And most importantly, when you talk to the dispatcher, they he or she would advise you the best thing that you should do so you can survive this heart attack. They may say, call your neighbor, but don’t hang up.
You want to have that one on one communication always with that dispatcher. And the dispatcher may recommend that you chew and swallow a single 325 milligram or two tablets of a baby aspirin. That’s 81 milligrams.
Because chewing on aspirin is especially effective if done within 30 minutes of your first symptoms. And the purpose of chewing on aspirin is to allow that aspirin to get into the bloodstream to prevent the platelet aggregation, the clogging, the clotting that’s occurring in the artery that’s blocking off blood supply.
And it’s not recommended that you drive yourself to a hospital, because if you pass out or go into a cardiac arrest, your odds of surviving are significantly less. And when these symptoms occur, it makes us more fearful. It puts a lot more stress. We become more anxious.
We need to try to relax. Take those deep breaths. When you’re on your back, put a pillow underneath the knees. Or if you’re on your back, keep your knees 90 degrees and put your feet up on a chair or a couch. By doing so, by being in that position, that will allow your diaphragm to work easier, so you can get more oxygen into your body.
And if you’re experiencing these symptoms and you think that maybe you are in the midst of having a heart attack, please don’t drink or eat because that can make it much more complicated for emergency care.
When they arrive, remember, stay calm, take deep breaths, and wait for emergency care so they can take care of you, so you can survive this condition. I wish you good health. Please share this with your friends and family. And most important, make it a great day. I’m Dr. Alan Mandel.
Read more: Cardio Flex – Support Balanced Blood Pressure