Looking For Eye Care Advice? Read This Article!

Your eyes are an important part of your everyday life. When they are not working as they should, you may not be able to do things as you normally would. If you want to learn how to properly care for your eyes, take a look at the following helpful article.

Looking For Eye Care Advice? Read This Article!

If your eyes are irritated by pollen or feel dry, use an eyewash. The eyewash can rinse your eyes of the impurities and make them feel more refreshed. Follow instructions on the package carefully. After the eyewash, your eyes should feel much better. Use the product a couple of times a day or as directed.

Cucumbers are great for healing puffy eyes. Cut a couple slices and place them on each eye, and rest for about 20 minutes. When you get up, your eyes will be refreshed and feel better. Do this as needed, and you will keep the area surrounding your eyes looking healthy and young.

If you are in the market for a new pair of glasses, you can often find cheap yet stylish frames online. Some places even offer a pair free or discounted if you are a new customer. All you need is your vision acuity number that you receive from having an eye test performed.

Always wash your hands before you touch your eyes. Your fingers are covered with bacteria because your hands touch surfaces that other people have touched. If you touch your eyes without washing your hands, you will transfer bacteria to your eyes and cause irritation or even an infection. Therefore, before touching your eyes, wash your hands with soap and water.

Keep your eyes protected when dealing with hazardous situations. In certain types of unclean or hazardous environments, you should keep your eyes protected by wearing safety goggles. These also include certain sports. Activities like lacrosse, ice hockey, or racquetball can cause eye injuries, which is why you should wear helmets that have built-in face masks or sports goggles.

Eat foods that are known to promote good eye health. This includes a variety of leafy green vegetables, such as collards, kale and spinach. Citrus fruits provide vitamin C, which can help to maintain your eyesight. In addition, protein sources such as beans, eggs, and lentils can prove beneficial to your eyes.

People who wear contacts need to take particularly good care of their eyes. While contacts are very useful for vision, if the materials are not properly cleaned and maintained, it can be potentially damaging to eyes. Make sure your contacts are the right prescription and that you follow all instructions provided by your health care professional.

You should know your family history when it comes to eyes problems because many eye diseases run in families. Many eye problems are hereditary, so it is important that you and your doctor have this information. Speak about the oldest member of your family to learn about your history.

Wearing sunglasses is crucial to eye health. Just as with any other area of the body, the sun’s UV rays can cause damage to your eyes. Too much exposure can cause conditions like cataracts and cataracts. Any sunglasses you decide to wear ought to protect your eyes from both UVA and UVB rays.

Don’t strain the eyes for too long. When you strain your vision and focus on something, such as a computer or television screen, you typically forget to blink as much as you should. When you don’t blink enough, it means your eyes are getting the lubrication they need, which can lead to more serious problems.

If you wear contact lenses, avoid wearing them while you sleep or for more than 19 hours. Unless you are wearing special lenses that are made for wearing overnight, your contact can deprive your eyes of oxygen and lead to extreme discomfort and possibly serious permanent damage to your sight.

When doing any type of work, avoid injuring your eyes by always wearing protective glasses. This is especially important if you job entails handling airborne or hazardous materials. You should also wear protective eye wear when playing sports since certain sports such as racquetball, lacrosse or hockey can cause eye injuries.

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If you are a smoker, butt out! Of course, smoking will lead your eyes to yellow and the skin around them to wrinkle and thin. On top of that, smoking is linked to a high risk of macular degeneration, cataracts and even damage to the optic nerve, all of which can lead to blindness.

Take proper care of your contact lenses. Anytime you put in or take out your contact lenses, make sure that you have thoroughly washed your hands. Also, replace your lenses as instructed and disinfect them like you should. If not properly taken care of, contact lenses can cause you a lot of grief.

With age comes a whole host of problems, including dry eyes. Increasing your consumption of Omega 3 fatty acids can help with this. Keep in mind that cold or hot air can make the issue worse. Be sure the vents of your car heater or air conditioner are not pointed toward your eyes. This also applies at work and at home.

People who have allergies often have red and itchy eyes. Be careful to avoid rubbing them because that will only make the problem worse. If you have seasonal allergies you can take medication to prevent the symptoms, and you can also use allergen-reducing eye drops. Make sure to follow the directions for the eye drops to avoid future problems.

Eat foods that promote good eye health. Foods that contain omega-3 fatty acids and vitamins E and C, as well as foods that contain lutein, are excellent choices. Some foods that contain those substances are wild salmon, citrus fruits, tomatoes and green leafy vegetables. Have these foods every day so that your eyes continue to be healthy.

As the beginning of this article has discussed, you need your eyes for many aspects of life. This is why you need to care for them properly. The above article has taught you how to go about doing just that. Put the above advice to use to be sure your eyes are always healthy.

Read more: Have Questions About Eye Care? These Tips Can Help!

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