Mind-blowing Data In Relation To Insomnia Just For You
If you’ve gotten into the habit of napping and you find that you’re having trouble sleeping at night, you should consider doing away with your daytime naps. There are many strategies you can use to energize yourself during a midday lull besides choosing to take a nap. Consider choosing some of the suggestions below to do away with your midday nap and improve your ability to sleep at night.
When insomnia is the enemy, reserve the use of your bed for sleep only. Sleep experts say that using your bed for reading, writing or watching TV will devalue it as a sleep aid. If your mind sees your bed as a place for sleeping only, your body will be conditioned to fall asleep faster.

If you find that insomnia occurs with some frequency, set up a nighttime ritual to follow. As you perform each step, your body recognizes your impending bedtime and begins to wind down. This should help to bring forth a sleepy state and banish insomnia for good.
Don’t read right before going to bed. You may love the time you have right before bed to get a few chapters in, but really you are stimulating your body. If you’re battling insomnia that’s the last thing that you want to do. So keep the books out of the room.
Particularly if you work in an office and do not engage in much physical activity during the day, establish a workout schedule for yourself. Just 15 minutes a day of activity can help, as long as you do so a good 30 minutes or more before bed. Exercise enables you to get the oxygen you need to rest and sleep well.
Avoid drinking caffeine six hours before going to sleep. Switch to a calming herbal tea or other decaffeinated drink. Avoid sugary foods and treats before bed, since that sugar boost will give you energy right when it’s time to sleep.
Think of sleep as winding down the engine of a motor. You should not try to go to sleep immediately. Set up a routine that prepares you for rest. Brush you teeth, get your clothes ready for tomorrow. Then turn the lights down and read a little, letting your body wind down in the process.
Honey has been shown to have a mild sedative effect on people. If you cannot fall asleep, try a teaspoon of honey in a cup of decaffeinated herbal tea. You can also add honey to a mug of warm milk at bedtime. Make a habit of enjoying a soothing nighttime drink, and you may find yourself relaxed enough to fall asleep.
A warm bath before bed can help relax your body. This is especially helpful when you have a hard time sleeping. Try taking a bath with Epsom salt and some baking soda, about a cup of each. This mixture can help you relax and also removes toxins from your body.
Set your alarm to something realistic when you lay down at night. If you get an abundance of sleep, that evening you will find yourself struggling more. Most adults function just fine at six, seven or eight hours a night.
Try learning ways to cope with daily stress. If you don’t, that stress will keep you up at night. Think about learning meditation, yoga, or other ways to keep calm so that you’re able to get adequate rest when you get into bed.
Being able to breathe properly while you are sleeping is important. Your breathing issues may be related to allergies, congestion or other issues. Most problems can be treated with a simple medication, using an air purifier or even just putting a specially designed adhesive strip that opens up your nasal passages.
Make your bedroom a haven that helps you fall asleep. Make sure there isn’t light coming through the windows. You may find that excess light still peeps through your blinds. In this case, blackout curtains can be very effective in helping to block out that light. You can use tin foil as a cheap alternative, too!
For your afternoon snack, avoid eating foods which are processed. Instead, eat some fresh fruit, yogurt or nuts. This will give you the energy boost you need without leaving you crashing or affected by high levels of sodium. Both situations can cause you to have trouble falling asleep at night.
Of course you are tired through the day. You do not get enough sleep at night. You should avoid taking naps during the day. As hard as it may seem, it will make sleeping through the night even more difficult. When feeling tired during the day, go for a walk or do some aerobic exercises to wake yourself back up.
Try aromatherapy to help relax your mind and sooth your nerves. You can use a calming lavender bubble bath to relax in the tub. You might find that using a lavender scented laundry softener on your sheets works well too. Vanilla is also relaxing so consider using vanilla if you don’t like lavender.
Kava is is considered a very good cure for insomnia. It has been proven that this herb will help relieve stress and put people to sleep easier. This supplement should only be taken under care of a physician, as it can affect the liver.
Make sure that you are getting plenty of regular exercise to help reduce or eliminate your insomnia. Studies have shown that people who get plenty of exercise enjoy higher quality sleep. However, you should not exercise in the evening before bed. The exercise can stimulate you and make it harder to fall asleep.
While there is some research and lots of encouragement by some professionals about the benefits of napping, if you’re having trouble sleeping at night, you should probably skip your afternoon nap. You’ll want to choose effective strategies for weaning yourself off your afternoon nap. Use the suggestions above to help you cure your nighttime insomnia by doing away with your afternoon nap.
Read more: Insomnia Keeping You Awake At Night? Try These Tips And Get Some Rest