Shocking Trick For Relief Of Tinnitus…Spoon Tapping
Welcome everyone dr. Mandel here millions of people worldwide are suffering from tinnitus ringing in the ears as well as many others who have vertigo sinus problems or even chronic neck conditions.
Well here is a technique that i want to share with you today something that you’ve never seen that can maybe do miracles for you i know that tinnitus can make you miserable that hissing that buzzing that clicking sound it just affects your life doesn’t allow you to sleep doesn’t allow you to concentrate.

I’ve done many videos on tinnitus and some of those videos have done miracles for some and other videos have done miracles for others that’s why i came out with this technique because this technique may help you there are many causes of tinnitus like loud music over a long time sinuses or congestion that affecting the station troops.
That go to the middle ear problems in the cochlea with the hair cells that’s not communicating correctly through the cochlear nerve to the brain areas behind the skull or in the tmj can all affect tinnitus what’s exciting to me that i want to share with you is that we’re gonna take the same concept of tapping behind this goal which has helped millions of people.
But we’re gonna do something much more creative that i discovered so i will speak from my own experience as well as the many other people that i have uses technique on by sending this mechanical vibratory energy along with sound to stimulate the occipital nerves the brain as well as areas throughout the face that can pass new miracles for you.
So what is really interesting is by using a specific rhythm or beat a frequency that we’re gonna use behind the skull that potentially can make big welcome everyone dr. Mandel here millions of people worldwide are suffering from tinnitus ringing in the ears as well as many others who have vertigo sinus problems or even chronic neck conditions.
Well here is a technique that i want to share with you today something that you’ve never seen that can maybe do miracles for you. I know that tinnitus can make you miserable that hissing that buzzing that clicking sound it just affects your life.
Doesn’t allow you to sleep doesn’t allow you to concentrate. I’ve done many videos on tinnitus and some of those videos have done miracles for some and other videos have done miracles for others that’s.
Why i came out with this technique because this technique may help you there are many causes of tinnitus like loud music over a long time sinuses or congestion that affecting the station troops that go to the middle ear problems in the cochlea with the hair cells that’s not communicating correctly through the cochlear nerve to the brain areas behind the skull or in the tmj can all affect tinnitus what’s exciting to me.
That i want to share with you is that we’re gonna take the same concept of tapping behind this goal which has helped millions of people but we’re gonna do something much more creative that i discovered so i will speak from my own experience as well as the many other people.
That i have uses technique on by sending this mechanical vibratory energy along with sound to stimulate the occipital nerves the brain as well as areas throughout the face that can pass new miracles for you so what is really interesting is by using a specific rhythm or beat a frequency that we’re gonna use behind the skull that potentially can make big changes what’s beautiful about this technique it’s safe nothing invasive by stimulating nerves through mechanical vibratory energy.
We hopefully can make changes if this helps you then you’re blessed and if it doesn’t see my other videos on tinnitus because hopefully one of those will so let me show you how simple this technique is most important is the rhythm this is how you’re going to tap the spoon on top of the other try to do it in that rhythm.
So if you look at these three x’s those are the areas we’re going to place the spoon over the spoon the open side of the spoon that you use is going to be against the skin because we’re going to be tapping the back part of the spoon so i’ll take the top part of the spoon and put it over the left suboccipital region like this and then we’ll tap for ten seconds like this.
Then we’ll move it to the center then to the right now what’s exciting about this technique is that you can experience many different neurological changes immediately like changes in the paranasal sinus possible vertigo changes where You feel more balanced you feel more sharp your thinking is more clear you may notice that the tinnitus is not near as loud so it does make sense to allow the body to try to heal naturally without the use of drugs or anything invasive that can damage anything or make conditions worse we know that for every symptom there’s a cause so whatever scent.
That you’re going through the brain is not getting the right communication signal to where it’s coming from so if we can send stimuli to those areas as well as the brain and hopefully reset the brain your symptoms may start to dissipate most of these conditions are chronic so be patient give your body time to heal remember that the power that made you is the same power that heals you so be patient stay positive.
And i hope this makes a change in your life i ask you to share this on your social media so we can help others most important make it a great day i’m dr. Alan mandel.
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