Useful Guidance For Successfully Winning The War Against Eczema
There have probably been times you have looked at yourself in the mirror and been happy with your skin. But then you learned that you have eczema, and you quickly became frustrated by the irritation and redness it causes you. If this sounds like you, continue reading to learn what you can do about it.

When you have eczema, you should take caution to clean the skin gently. Once you have washed your skin, and it is still moist, apply a good moisturizer to the skin within three minutes to ensure the moisture is sealed into the skin. You may even want to soak in a nice oatmeal bath as well before you moisturize.
Pay attention to your hands. Because you wash them throughout the day, they can get very dry and are prone to more eczema. If you are engaged in an activity that involves water, like washing the dishes, wear rubber gloves. This will help protect your skin from the water throughout the day.
There are several medications you can try to help relieve the itching of eczema. Topical treatments including calamine lotion, which helps soothe the itching. Another topical option is an over-the-counter cream that contains one percent hydrocortisone. For severe itching, consider an oral over-the-counter antihistamine, such as Benadryl. Follow the instructions on the package, and remember that antihistamines may cause drowsiness.
There are several things you can do to keep yourself from scratching your eczema. The best thing to do is keep it covered. Loose clothing may work, or try bandages or dressings on the afflicted area. Keep your fingernails trimmed short, and consider wearing gloves when you go to bed to avoid scratching while you are sleeping.
The temperature within your home should always be kept at a comfortable level. Extreme temperatures can be irritating to the skin. Use your air condition when it’s warm, and use your humidifier when it is cold. Humid air prevents your skin from getting too dry.
Winter weather can cause eczema to worsen. Anytime your skin is exposed to frigid air, it needs a protective barrier to protect it from moisture loss. On any skin areas, such as the face or neck, be sure to heavily apply a moisturizer. Moisturizers will help you avoid dry and cracking skin because it locks in your skin’s natural oils.
Keep your hands protected. Wear rubber gloves while washing dishes or performing another activity in which your hands are submersed in water. For further protection, wear cotton gloves underneath the rubber ones to reduce sweat and irritation. Use the cotton gloves while performing other activities, such as gardening and housework.
Discuss medications with your doctor. If an over-the-counter medication doesn’t do the trick, a prescription one might. Use store-bought and prescription medication as directed. Straying from the instructions could cause more harm than good. At the very least, it will be ineffective, resulting in a waste of both effort and money.
Keep your stress levels down if you have eczema. The chances of having it flare up increase when you are stressed out. Stress can also make eczema itchier and more uncomfortable. That can create a never-ending cycle of anger and frustration from dealing with both your stress and your skin. Try relaxing by doing activities like yoga, deep breathing, and meditation.
If you suffer from eczema, try not to sweat too much. Of course, certain sweating cannot be avoided. But, it is important to try to keep the skin cool. If you do sweat, say from a workout or a jog, be sure to take a shower as soon as you are done.
Avoid scrubbing your skin. Eczema won’t just scrub away in the shower. Scrubbing your skin when you bathe will only serve to irritate it. Avoid using exfoliating scrubs and rough sponges or loofahs. Instead, use cotton rags and a gentle, unscented soap for sensitive skin. This will be much easier on your skin.
Take care not to scratch. If you tend to scratch in your sleep, be sure the itchy areas are covered by gauze, bandages or pajamas. Trim your fingernails very short so that you will not be able to scratch much while sleeping. Use cold compresses and/or anti-itch treatments right before bed.
Always wash your bedding, blankets and pillows on a regular basis. Don’t wait until they seem dirty. Do it at least once a week to keep you bed as free from allergens and irritants as possible. Use a gentle detergent and softener that doesn’t contain harsh chemicals or fragrances which can cause irritation to sensitive people.
You definitely want to be sure that you’re moisturizing your skin often, at least three times daily. This is necessary not only for the skin that is dry and itchy but also for other skin areas for a prevention method. Be sure that you select a moisturizer that does not contain added chemicals, so go all-natural, and get an unscented product as well.
Keep your nails short and clean. It is always best to avoid scratching your skin. A flare up of eczema can make this difficult, though. Make sure your nails are kept short and clean, just in case. In the event that you do scratch without realizing, this can help to avoid infection.
You definitely do not want to wear tight clothing. Tight clothing may irritate skin since it rubs against it causing damage. This will lead to the development of eczema. You want to wear clothing that is loose and comfortable. This will also make sure your skin isn’t as sweaty.
Look for soap that has a neutral pH level. These include CeraVe, Vanicream, Oil of Olay, Cetaphil and Dove. Baking soda can also be used as a very mild soak or scrub. It cleans the skin and deodorizes. After washing, rinse it off with cool water. Follow up with a plain, unscented, natural moisturizer such as olive oil.
Any time that you take the time to learn about a topic, you can start working on a solution to bring a sense of balance back to your life. Eczema is no different. And the information that has been provided here will help you get back the skin that makes you happiest.
Read more: Use These Tips To Make Eczema A Past Memory