Your family would be really pleased if you would stop smoking. Your doctor will push you to help you quit smoking as well. Your insurance company will even provide a discount to you if you stop smoking. So, why haven’t you done it yet? Time to stop and use these tips to quit the habit without another thought.

Make sure you have the right attitude. You can not take quitting as a deprivation. Instead, think of this process as a favor that you are doing for yourself. By quitting you are helping your body and making a healthier change that will in turn lead to a healthier happier you!

Useful Tools To Help You Stop Smoking
Useful Tools To Help You Stop Smoking

If you want to quit smoking, you need to identify factors that will motivate you to stop. Preventing lung cancer, tooth decay, gum disease and emphysema, or protecting your family are strong motivators. Showing respect for your body and for the gift of life is also a powerful motivating force. Whatever reason you choose, it needs to be enough to prevent you from lighting up again in the future.

Improve your chances of successfully quitting by sharing your plan to quit with supportive loved ones and friends. The encouragement you receive can provide extra motivation during rough patches, and telling people about quitting will help you stay more accountable. Have a few people on stand-by whom you can call for distraction whenever you get a craving.

In order to prevent giving in to your nicotine withdrawal symptoms, discover healthier methods of dealing with this stress. You may find it helpful to work out during the most difficult part of the day, learn a new skill or hobby, or book massages on a regular schedule. During your free time, read books or take time to talk to friends. Anything that keeps you busy will help to stay away from smoking.

Take the money that you would usually throw away on your cigarettes and spend it on yourself on something that you really want. This is sort of like a reward for your hard work. Treat yourself to an expensive coat, a nice jacket or even that pair of shoes that you have been eying.

Find an online forum for quitters. This can provide you with a great amount of support and motivation, while still allowing you to remain anonymous. Online forums can be found everywhere, and you can typically join for free. They will help you to network with individuals all over the world, and you never know what kind of great stop smoking advice you might hear.

To help you stop smoking, remind yourself constantly about the immediate benefits. These include fresher breath, no more yellow and stained teeth, more energy and an increased ability to taste foods. In addition, you will be less likely to have shortness of breath and will enjoy physical exercise more. This will leave you healthier and happier.

Master stress management. Aside from nicotine withdrawal and simple habit, a primary reason you might start smoking again is stress. If you can’t avoid all stress during the first few weeks after quitting, do whatever it takes to manage your stress in another way than having a cigarette. Get a massage or try a yoga class. Find something new and healthy to replace what you’re giving up.

If you’re trying to stop smoking, stay away from situations or places that could tempt you to smoke. Change your routines that are associated with smoking. Having your coffee at work, or avoiding places where smokers congregate, will help you avoid activities that used to be associated with smoking.

If you are trying to quit with the use of crutches such as patches and medication, then you need to be careful. When you begin taking in these other substances, you are in turn putting yourself at risk of developing a new dangerous addiction. Be careful when you begin your quitting crutches.

Taking away the reminders and triggers that make you want to smoke can also help you to stop smoking. Get rid of lighters and ashtrays. Wash all your clothes and clean your house to remove the smell of smoke. By doing this, you will prevent any triggers these items would cause to remind you about smoking and make you crave a cigarette.

If you aren’t afraid of the long-term health hazards of smoking, then tap into your vanity to help you stop. Did you know that smoking can cause wrinkles, yellow fingernails, and cause you to lose your teeth? It can also lead to macular degeneration, which in turn leads to blindness.

If you smoke because of a triggering situation or feeling, when you’re trying to quit do your best to avoid the situations that set off your trigger. For example, if you normally smoke at the end of a meal, chew on some gum instead. If you smoke while in traffic in your car, pick an alternate route or take public transportation. Think of other triggers and ways you can avoid them.

If you just can’t stand the cravings that come from quitting smoking, then nicotine replacement therapy could be the answer. Putting on a nicotine patch or nicotine gum can help you with withdrawals while you try to break your habit. After the physical addiction to the process of smoking has been broken, you can begin to rid your system of the nicotine as well.

For help after you quit smoking, you should keep around items that can be used to replace a cigarette. Stock up on items such as toothpicks, lollipops, sunflower seeds, and coffee stirrers. All these items can help when dealing with cravings. Instead of a cigarette, replace it with something that is harmless.

Once you quit smoking, have regular celebrations. After you go two weeks without smoking, treat yourself to a movie. Once you go a month, eat at a fancy restaurant. Once you go six months, purchase some item that you’ve been wanting. Once you go an entire year without smoking, have a party for yourself. Invite all your friends and family to celebrate this milestone. These little celebrations can assist you in kicking this bad habit to the curb so that you can enjoy a healthier life.

Now that you have this information, you can stop smoking for good. Kicking the nicotine habit will improve the quality of your entire life. Take the money you’re saving and spend it on your family as a thank you for supporting you through the worst; they deserve it!

Read more: Top Suggestions To Help You Quit Smoking Today!

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