Memory is an integral part of brain function, and can fade if the brain is not kept in optimum health. Maintaining good overall health will also assist in keeping your memory sharp. The following tips will help you maintain healthy brain function and ensure that your memory remains intact for many years to come.

If you find yourself having difficulty remembering some things, try to use acronyms or tricks called mnemonics to help you remember. An example of this is to use Roy G. Biv to remember the colors of the rainbow as red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet. These types of tricks can really improve your memory.

Improve Your Memory By Following These Tricks
Improve Your Memory By Following These Tricks

We are more likely to remember something that happens to us when we are around other people than when we are alone. People are drawn to others, as a result we remember our time with them, rather than when we are alone. That’s why study groups work so well.

A useful tip for anyone interested in improving their memory is to regularly work on solving word puzzles and similar types of games. Such puzzles utilize the same skills needed to recall facts, and therefore help keep the mind sharp. Not only will your memory likely improve, you will also have a great deal of fun.

When trying to memorize new information, take the time and effort to think about how this unfamiliar material relates to something that you already know and understand. By finding a relationship between new concepts and previously learned material, you will increase the likelihood of committing the new information to memory.

Exercise your body – exercise your brain. By exercising regularly, you increase the amount of oxygen that gets to your brain, and reduce the risk of illnesses that can contribute to memory loss, such as heart disease and diabetes. Exercise can also increase the effects of certain chemicals that help the brain to function at its best.

One fun way to help keep your memory sharp is to play brain games, such as puzzles and logic games. These types of games will help improve attention span, concentration, mental flexibility and memory. To keep your brain in top shape, it is recommended that you play brain games at least 15 minutes each day. According to recent research, playing brain games can even aid in the prevention of Alzheimer’s Disease.

Teach others what you know. Sharing what you know can really help your memory. Even if you are not an expert on the subject, explain what you do know to a friend or family member. A combination of explaining and repeating the information aloud will help you in remembering it later.

Did you know that, even late in life, you can grow new brain cells within the memory center of your brain? Recent research has revealed that high-level aerobic exercise, such as running and bicycling, actually stimulates the growth of new brain neurons within the brain’s hippocampus. If you want to have a better memory, adding more aerobic exercise to your daily activities will help.

One way to help improve your overall memory is to watch less television. TV really does rot your brain- studies show that people who watch more than an hour of television per day have more trouble focusing and remembering things in the short term. Instead, try playing brain games or having conversations.

You need to actively prepare your mind before you start to try to remember something. In the same way a runner needs to stretch first, you need to visualize yourself learning what you are trying to commit to memory. This can also help you to be more prepared and organized as well.

A great way to improve memory and brain elasticity is to read a large variety of books. Read novels from all eras and places as well as histories, self help books, nonfiction books, and anything else you can find. The different types of information you take in give your brain a workout.

Try not to reminisce with others often. Get togethers with friends and family can be fun. Unfortunately, they can also have a negative impact on your memory. Recalling something with a group can actually alter your memory of an event slightly. Your memory may conform to what everyone else remembers.

Try using mnemonic devices to aid in recall. A mnemonic is a way to remember information. One mnemonic is word association. Think of a word or phrase you are familiar with to remind yourself of the thing you wish to remember. Rhymes, songs, and humorous images make good mnemonics.

Paying attention to what you are doing will help your memory. When studying or memorizing something, avoid distractions. Find an environment you are comfortable in. Learn how to focus on something, and if you can, find material that interest you. Focusing on something that interest you should be relatively easy.

When you need to remember new information, relate it to what you already know. If you use proper memorization techniques, you should have what you already know memorized under a certain structure. Add the new information within the same structure if you can, or add new categories to your organization.

When trying to commit an item such as study materials to memory, it is best that you focus on these in an environment which is free from distractions such as television or music. Items can only move from the short term memory into the long term memory if you actively pay attention to the topic on hand.

When trying to improve your memory, brain stimulation and using your mind is important. Schedule a weekly game night with your friends or family and make your brain exercise fun. The mental workout received from games such as chess, or Scrabble are very effective tools in boosting the power of your brain.

There is quite a bit of fear associated with losing one’s memory. Understanding the ways to feed the brain and keep it at a healthy functioning level, will give you more confidence in your ability to maintain your memory. don’t delay to implement as much of the advice that you can.

Read more: Ideas For Taking Your Memory Farther

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