Is Ketogenic Weight Loss Safe?

If you have learned about Keto, do you know what Keto is?, what foods for the Keto menu? But is ketogenic weight loss safe?
The “Ketogenic” diet (referred to as Keto for short) was created and researched by an American doctor in the 1920s, for people with epilepsy. In the years 2016 – 2017, this diet created a fever again, many people have studied it into a diet.

Is Ketogenic Weight Loss Safe?

What is a ketogenic (keto) weight loss plan?

In the state of ketosis on a Keto diet, parts of the body and brain use ketones for energy instead of carbs, but it takes a while for the body to adapt to this. During this acclimatization period, you may encounter some temporary problems. In essence, it’s a diet that causes the framework to release ketones into the bloodstream. maximal cells choose to use blood sugar, which comes from carbohydrates, as an important source of strength for the framework. in the absence of circulating blood sugar from meals, we begin to break down stored fat into molecules known as ketone bodies (this is known as ketosis).
Since it lacks carbohydrates, a ketogenic weight loss program is rich in protein and fat. It usually includes lots of meat, eggs, processed meats, sausages, cheeses, fish, nuts, butter, oils, seeds, and vegetables. due to the fact that it is very restrictive, it is very difficult to comply in the long run. Carbohydrates typically make up at least 50% of the typical American diet. The amount of carbs in this diet is usually reduced to 50g / day, but there will be stricter or easier menus depending on each person’s condition. Fat will be used as a replacement mainly for cutting carbs and it is the main ingredient that provides nearly 75% of the total calories consumed by the body.
Is a ketogenic weight loss plan healthy?
Some side effects can occur for people using the Keto method. Some of the effects are as follows:
Keto flu
At the start of ketosis, many people experience a number of negative events, collectively known as the “low carb flu” or the “keto flu” because some of them resemble flu symptoms.
Symptoms of the Keto flu include:
Brain fog
Feeling hungry often
Difficulty sleeping
Lack of energy
Reduced exercise performance
Because of these problems, many people stop dieting just starting out. Although it will be a little uncomfortable, the “keto flu” usually goes away on its own after a few days to a few weeks.
Summary: The “low-carb flu” or “keto flu” is a group of negative events that occur during the early stages of ketosis. Although it will cause fatigue and discomfort, but this condition usually ends after only a short time.
Leg cramps: When the body is in a state of ketosis, some people experience leg cramps and pain. This is a sign that you need to drink more water. The reason is because ketosis reduces the amount of water in the body, causing dehydration, loss of minerals and leading to leg cramps.
Digestive problems: Changes in diet can sometimes lead to digestive problems. When cutting out large amounts of carbs on the Keto diet, you may be constipated at first.

How to minimize side effects

How to minimize some of the side effects of ketosis when eating Keto: Drink plenty of water: Drink at least 2 liters of water per day. The body will lose a significant amount of water when on a Keto diet, especially in the beginning.
Eat enough salt: The body excretes a large amount of sodium in the urine when the diet is low in carbs. Add salt to your dishes, but don’t eat too much
The Keto program has been successfully applied by many people but still have to be aware of the side effects. You need to scientifically apply meals to minimize side effects and increase the success rate, regaining a beautiful shape. For more keto details, keto mistakes, success stories, create your own keto meal plan. Please watch this video carefully for more details

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