Knowledge to know about the Keto diet?
Hollywood stars and professional athletes have successfully applied this diet, from weight loss, lowering blood sugar, anti-inflammatory, reducing cancer risk, boosting energy, to slowing aging. chemical. So what is keto that can help you lose weight naturally? The following will explain what this diet is, the pros and cons, as well as the issues to keep in mind.
What is Keto?
The Keto diet is a diet low in carbohydrates (carbs) and high in good fats. The goal is to use the body’s own fat to convert it into energy. Excess fat will automatically disappear. We will have to minimize low-starch foods, instead using low-fat foods such as eggs, avocados. The Keto menu will help the body burn more energy without having to be on a strict diet.
Normally, the body uses glucose as its main source of fuel for energy. When you’re on a keto diet and you’re eating very few carbs with only a moderate amount of protein (excess protein can be converted to carbs), your body switches its fuel supply to run mostly on fat.

Benefits of the Keto Diet
• Reduce neurodegenerative diseases. Keto benefits for Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, autism and multiple sclerosis (MS). It may also be protective in traumatic brain injury and stroke.
• Obesity and weight loss. The keto diet is very effective for natural weight loss because it helps to reach and eliminate your body fat naturally at home. In several studies, obese test subjects lost twice as much weight within 24 weeks of following a low-carb diet (20.7 lbs) as compared to a group following a low-carbohydrate diet. fat (10.5 lbs).
• Type 2 diabetes . Keto also boosts insulin production, which makes it ideal for people with type 2 diabetes.
• Cancer. The main fuel to nourish cancer cells is glucose. That means eating the right diet can reduce sugar levels in the body, helping to prevent cancer growth.
How to Form a Keto Diet
- Carbohydrates
For most people, to reach ketosis (getting ketones above 0.5 mM) they require limiting carbs to 20-50 grams (g)/day. Actual carbs will vary from person to person. In general, the more insulin resistant a person is, the more resistant they are to ketosis. Some vigorous exercise insulin-sensitive athletes can consume more than 50 g/day and stay in ketosis, while those with type 2 diabetes and insulin resistance may need as close to 20 – 30 g/day.
The amount of carbs a person can consume and stay in ketosis can also change over time depending on keto adaptations, weight loss, exercise habits, medications, and more. Therefore, one should measure one’s ketone levels on a regular basis.
Regarding the overall diet, high-carb foods such as pasta, cereals, potatoes, rice, beans, sweets, soft drinks, juices and beer are not suitable.
Most dairy products contain carbs in the form of lactose (milk sugar). However, some types have fewer carbs and can be used regularly. These include hard cheeses (Parmesan, cheddar), soft, high-fat cheeses (Brie), full-fat cream cheeses, whipped cream, and sour cream.
Carb levels of less than 50 g/day are usually broken down as follows:
• 5-10 g carbs from protein-based foods. Eggs, cheese, and shellfish take in the few grams of carbs left over from natural sources and added marinades and seasonings.
• 10-15 g carbs from non-starchy vegetables.
• 5-10 g carbs from nuts/seeds. Most nuts contain 5-6 g of carbs per ounce.
• 5-10 g carbs from fruits like berries, olives, tomatoes and avocados.
• 5-10 g carbs from other sources such as low-carb desserts, high-fat sauces or drinks with very little sugar.
The best drinks are water, organic coffee and tea (regular and decaf, unsweetened), unsweetened almonds and coconut milk. And avoid soft drinks and diet drinks because they contain artificial sweeteners. If you drink red or white wine, limit yourself to 1-2 glasses, the dryer the better. If you drink hard alcohol, avoid sugary mixed drinks. - Protein
The keto diet is not a high-fat diet. This is because fat increases insulin and can be converted to glucose through a process called gluconeogenesis, thereby inhibiting ketosis. However, the keto diet should also not be too low in protein as it can lead to loss of function and muscle tissue.
The average adult needs about 0.8-1.5 g per kilogram (kg) of lean body mass per day. It is important to do the calculation based on lean body mass, not total body weight. The reason is because fat mass doesn’t need protein for maintenance, just lean muscle mass.
For example, if an individual weighs 150 lbs (or 150/2.2 = 68.18 kg) and has a body fat content of 20% (or a lean body mass of 80% = 68.18 kg) x
x 0.8 = 54.55 kg), protein requirements can range from 44 (= 54.55 x 0.8) to 82 (= 54.55 x 1.5) g/day.
The best sources of high-quality protein include:
• Organic eggs, used eggs
• Grass-fed meat
• Animal sources of omega-3 fats, such as wild-caught Alaskan salmon, sardines, anchovies and herring.
• Nuts, such as macadamia, almonds, pecans, flaxseeds, hemp and sesame seeds.
• Vegetable
- Fat
If one wants to lose weight, one should consume less fat in the diet and instead rely on body fat stores for energy.
(As % of total calories consumed)
The best foods to get high-quality fats include:
• Butter and avocado oil
• Coconut and coconut oil
• Grass-fed butter, buffalo milk and cow fat
• Organic Concentrated Cream
• Olive oil
• Pasture lard
• Medium-chain triglycerides (MCTs)
Who Should Be Careful With The Keto Diet?
For most people, the keto diet is very safe. However, there are some individuals who need special care and discussion with their doctor before going on such a diet.
• People who are taking diabetes medication
• People who are taking medication for high blood pressure .
• People who are giving children
• People with kidney disease
General Concerns with the Keto Diet
• Unable to achieve ketosis. Don’t eat too much protein and there are no hidden carbs in packaged foods.
• Eating the wrong fats like corn and polyunsaturated soybean oil.
• Symptoms of “keto flu”, if you feel lightheaded, dizzy, headache, tired, constipated. This can be easily remedied by drinking 2 cups of broth (with added salt) per day.
• Keto rash is not a common side effect of the diet. Possible causes include the production of acetone (a form of ketone) in sweat that irritates the skin, or deficiencies in nutrients including proteins or minerals. Shower right after exercising and make sure you eat nutritious foods.
Is keto safe long term?
This is an area of controversy. While there haven’t been any studies showing any adverse long-term effects of following the keto diet, many experts now believe that the body can develop “resistance” to the benefits of ketosis unless a person regularly switches to the keto diet.
If you are looking to learn the keto program and set up your own keto diet, please watch our video now.