Shrink Your Stomach & Look Thin-No Sit-Ups or Gym. I want to show you how you can get your stomach nice and trim without any gym
Tag Archives: cholesterol
1 Spice & Water…Clean Clogged Arteries. The number one health problem is cardiovascular disease. We’re talking about arteries…..
1 Spice Added to Olive Oil…Prevent Clogging. Heart disease, cardiovascular disease, artery disease, atherosclerosis doses, clogging
Fatty liver disease means that you have fat deposits inside your liver. These deposits may keep your liver from doing a good job….
The Eye-Liver Relationship Welcome. Our eyes are the windows to our soul medicine. There are many things that our eyes can tell us about our body. But today I want to talk about our liver. The liver does so many important functions for our body to keep us healthy. The liver’s main job is to […]