1 CARB Linked to Clogging of Arteries, Heart Attack. Excessive refined and processed sugars which are found in hundreds and hundreds
Tag Archives: heart attack
How Sleeping in this Position Can Be Hurting Your HEART. I want to discuss the very best position that you should sleep in when it comes…
1 Carb Can Save Your Life…Prevent Clogged Arteries.Welcome. Cardiovascular disease, heart attack, strokes are number one on the list…..
Fix High Blood Sugar…Prevent Clogged Arteries & Insulin Resistance. My intention for this video is to get it out to as many people….
1 Spice & Water…Clean Clogged Arteries. The number one health problem is cardiovascular disease. We’re talking about arteries…..
1 Spice Added to Olive Oil…Prevent Clogging. Heart disease, cardiovascular disease, artery disease, atherosclerosis doses, clogging
High blood pressure increases your risk of heart attacks, stroke, kidney disease, blindness, and aneurysms.