Unclog Your System: Fast-Acting Fixes For Constipation

Welcome everyone. Dr. Mandel here, constipation can be resolved by just making a few changes to your lifestyle. The most common reasons is from poor diet, being dehydrated, not enough fluids, eating lots of refined foods.


You need to make the change, although these magical remedies are going to help you fast now. One of the most popular home cures for constipation are prunes. They have a high amount of fiber and contain sorbital, which draws the water into the intestines.

By soaking two to three prunes in hot water overnight, then drinking the water and eating the prunes in the morning, you will see major changes. Have one tablespoon of olive oil in the morning on an empty stomach, and it is optional that you can add a little lemon juice to lighten the flavor.

It stimulates the digestive system, which helps to get things moving through the colon. Fresh lemon and water is also one of my favorites. The citric acid and lemon juice acts as a stimulant for the digestive system, and it helps flush out the toxins and undigested material that may be building up along the walls of the colon.

So squeeze one half lemon into a cup of warm water and start sipping. Now coffee will really get things moving in the morning. It’s a natural stimulant to the digestive system, so if you drink it in excess, it can cause constipation by drawing out water that would normally soften your stool.

So make sure you’re drinking additional water. Flaxseeds are also great whole, ground, soaked or boiled or flaxseed oil. This simple remedy is excellent for constipation. It increases the amount of fiber, thereby helping relieve constipation.

The oil lubricates and stimulates the bowel, which actually makes things move easier. Aloe is also used in the treatment of constipation. It’s been used to improve bowel movement, frequency, consistency of stools, and laxative dependence.

You can use the gel straight from the plant or try commercial aloe juice. Epson salts contain magnesium, which stimulates the bowel muscles to contract, and salt, which draws water into the bowel. Dissolve two teaspoons of epsom salts in one cup of water or juice.

Dandelion tea is used as a mild laxative as well. You can drink up to three cups of dandelion tea per day. Bicarbonate of soda many people swear by baking soda. It’s a bicarbonate which neutralizes stomach acid and pushes ear to come out of you that’s front or back.

Relieving the pressure. So mix a teaspoon of bicarbonate with one quarter cup of warm water and drink it. So choose these home remedies. I am confident it will help you.

Please share this with your friends and family. Leave your comments below and most important, make it a great day. I’m Dr. Alan Mandel.

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