Category Archives: Digestive

1 Tablespoon a Day Keeps Constipation Away

1 Tablespoon a Day Keeps Constipation Away

1 Tablespoon a Day Keeps Constipation Away There is nothing worse than feeling constipated, having cramps, bloating, difficulty going to the bathroom. It affects your entire physiology of your body. Remember, all your digestion takes place in your small intestine. And if your intestines aren’t working correctly, it’s going to affect your probiot, it’s going […]

Take the 2 Finger Challenge…Fix Your Constipation

Take the 2 Finger Challenge...Fix Your Constipation

Take the 2 Finger Challenge…Fix Your Constipation If you’re one of those people who go to the bathroom less than three times a week, you are considered constipated. If you’re having bloating and cramps and that distension and you’re not getting enough fiber, you’re not hydrating, you’re not getting enough exercise or even side effects […]

Unclog Your System: Fast-Acting Fixes For Constipation


Unclog Your System: Fast-Acting Fixes For Constipation Welcome everyone. Dr. Mandel here, constipation can be resolved by just making a few changes to your lifestyle. The most common reasons is from poor diet, being dehydrated, not enough fluids, eating lots of refined foods. You need to make the change, although these magical remedies are going […]

Nature’s Tiny SEED That Heals Digestive Problems (Gas, Bloating, Acid Reflux)

Nature's Tiny SEED That Heals Digestive Problems (Gas, Bloating, Acid Reflux)

Nature’s Tiny SEED That Heals Digestive Problems (Gas, Bloating, Acid Reflux) We can only imagine how many millions and millions of people throughout the entire world have digestive issues. Imagine the food that we eat on the shelves of refined and processed foods. Wow. All that stomach gas reflux, gird, bloating within your stomach, const, […]

The Quickest Ways to Empty Your Bowels and Cleanse (Detox) the Colon

The Quickest Ways to Empty Your Bowels and Cleanse (Detox) the Colon

The Quickest Ways to Empty Your Bowels and Cleanse (Detox) the Colon I like to share with you the many different ways that you can help cleanse your colon. Keep it clean. Our colon takes a beating from poor diet, and everyone, one time or another, will develop up cramping, abdominal pain, fullness, bloating, nausea, […]

1 Carb Cleanses the Colon…Scrub Away Wastes & Toxins

1 Carb Cleanses the Colon...Scrub Away Wastes & Toxins

1 Carb Cleanses the Colon…Scrub Away Wastes & Toxins How come there are so many gastrointestinal issues, problems, diseases, conditions worldwide, not just in your country, throughout the entire world. It because of so much refined and processed foods. And in a nutshell, what does that mean? That means they’re stripping the fiber out of […]